Standin tall.

Today I went in to see if Zawadi had fallen asleep and was shocked to find her not only awake, but standing in her crib playing. We knew this day was coming soon, we just didn't know how soon! I watched her for quite a while before she noticed me and gave me a huge, cheesy grin. She was clearly proud of her new skill and she mastered it throughout the day. It is time to lower the mattress and remove the bumper before we have an escape artist on our hands. The month of July has been full of milestones for her - mastering sitting up, 'crawling' at top speed throughout the apartment, and finally enjoying (and wolfing down) solid food. There is never a dull day and at this rate we will have a walking baby in just a few months.
wow carrie... z is something else!
It's those mixed genes;) Destiny was practically running at 8 months. Zawadi is super dooper cute. I love her smile.